The dreaded moment has come to return to work and take time away from your precious little one. You will certainly overcome the shock of being back soon, and if you’re a breastfeeding mama, you may find these free printable pumping signs for work super helpful.
I know the feeling of maternity leave ending and having to leave your sweet babe in the hands of someone else. While it does hurt the heart to get back to work, it can also help new moms get a sense of freedom back.

Related Post: How to Stockpile Breastmilk to Built a Large Supply
Pumping at Work Tips
If you’re eager to continue your breastfeeding journey once you go back to work, it’s not as hard as you may think! While pumping can feel exhausting at times, think about all the benefits that it’s providing both you and your baby!
Talk to your boss about setting aside designated times during the work day to pump. Make sure you have an optimal place with privacy, as well as a refrigerator to store your milk and a sink to clean your pump parts.
If the only room that you have access to isn’t private, you may want to print out these free printable pumping at work signs. You can download them below! This will ensure that no one intrudes on your space.
You should also have a refrigerator close by, whether it’s in your lunch room or break room. However, if you don’t have access to one at work, don’t stress! You can keep your pumped milk at room temperature for up to 4 hours which is great for the end-of-the-day pumping sessions.
Related Post: How to Exclusively Pump Breastmilk for your Baby

You can also use a refrigerated cooler bag with an ice pack that will keep your milk cold for several hours. If you don’t have a refrigerator, you can definitely buy a few more hours of fresh milk if you keep the pumped milk on ice in this cooler bag.

Another must-have for pumping at work is a large-sized breast pumping bag. This will be the place to store your pump, bottles, bags, pump parts, and any other items you need to carry to work. This bag can also fit your laptop, wallet, folders, etc. so you don’t need to bring two bags to work.

Lastly, you’ll want to use a breastfeeding cover in case anyone walks in or if you’re not in a private room.
Even better than having to pump in a private room, is being able to pump right at your desk! As long as you feel comfortable doing this, investing in a wearable pump is truly your best option.
Related Post: Breastfeeding Moms all Nursing Moms Need to Know
The Willow pump is a wearable pump that fits right in your bra so you can pump hands-free, cord-free, and hassle-free! It’s super efficient at getting milk out quickly and best of all, it allows you to get more things done while pumping- because every mom needs to multi-task!

The Willow Pump is lightweight and fits snugly in your bra to make pumping so much more realistic on those busy days at work.
It does protrude out of your bra a bit so it’s not fully discreet. However, just by covering yourself with a scarf, you can pump in complete privacy.
It is really so convenient! There’s nothing better than a pump that doesn’t have wires and plugs because it allows you the freedom to multi-task.

The Willow pump can get a lot of milk out fast, has great suction, doesn’t leak if you bend over, and is easy to clean. I love that you can even use an app to track your pumping progress.
However, the one draw back is that it turns off after about 4 oz are pumped on each breast. At some times of the day that’s all that I get out, but during the morning I can pump a lot more. If you typically are able to pump a lot of milk, this may not fully empty your breast which can limit your supply.
Free Printable Pumping Signs for Work
Hopefully you have found a private spot to pump while you’re at work with nice facilities. Now, all you need are some pumping signs for work so no one intrudes.

I’ve added 7 pumping signs so feel free to choose which one you’d like to use. Some are funny and some are just straight to the point. Feel free to rotate them out so every day there’s a new sign!

I know it’s hard to be going back to work during this time in your baby’s life. However, be confident that you spent those first few weeks or months being the best mama to your precious baby.
Check out more tips for exclusively pumping, maximizing your freezer stash, and pumping at work here.

Marissa is a Pediatric Occupational Therapist turned stay-at-home mom who loves sharing her tips, tricks, and ideas for navigating motherhood. Her days are filled starting tickle wars and dance parties with three energetic toddlers and wondering how long she can leave the house a mess until her husband notices. When she doesn’t have her hands full of children, she enjoys a glass (or 3) of wine, reality tv, and country music. In addition to blogging about all things motherhood, she sells printables on Etsy and has another website,, for kid’s activity ideas.