Whether you have been anticipating this moment for months or years or even if this is a total surprise, you are likely wondering what to do when you find out you are pregnant. You may of course still be feeling that initial shock, rest assured this is totally normal!
However, once you start learning about what is going on inside your body and growing that special bond with your baby, you will realize that pregnancy is the most beautiful feeling that you are lucky to experience. Your life is about to change in more ways than one, but all for the better, trust me!
The good news is that you have 9 months to let this all sink in, and even if you are now wondering what to do when you find out your pregnant – You still have a lot of time to think about names, nursery designs, childcare options, maternity leave, labor & delivery, changing diapers, and all the thoughts that come with having a new baby on the way.
What To Do When You Find Out You Are Pregnant
I’m sure there are a ton of thoughts running through your mind now that you’ve gotten that positive pregnancy test and found out that you’re pregnant. Just take it day-by-day as you learn and plan for the future.
However, there are a few things that are important to do and know right away and through the first trimester. Follow the steps below and you should be
1. Take a Prenatal Vitamin
If you are wondering what to do when you find out you are pregnant – this is number one! Start taking a prenatal vitamin immediately. The vitamins and nutrients that your body needs to fuel a growing baby are much more than you’re probably getting in your everyday diet. All of the vitamins and minerals are
If you were trying to get pregnant, hopefully you started taking one before the positive test, but it’s never too late to start. This will give that little embryo a great headstart to developing and growing into a healthy fetus and baby.
2. Calculate your due date/pregnancy progression
You’re probably anxious to know when you’re going to be able to hold this little baby in your arms! Check out this online Pregnancy Due Date Calculator that will tell you when your due date is, as well as how many weeks pregnant you are.
If you have been trying to conceive, you probably have the dates marked down when you were ovulating and had your last missed
A rough estimation is ok if you don’t have the specific dates. Once you go to the doctors, they will give you a precise due date and progression based on the ultrasound.
3. Tell Your Husband/Boyfriend
If you want to make it a special moment, take some time to think of how you want to give him the good news. Here is a list of some sweet ways to tell your partner that you’re pregnant.
4. Choose a doctor or midwife practice
If you don’t have a consistent OB/GYN yet or are thinking of making a switch, there is still time to figure that out. You will want to choose a practice that you are comfortable with because you will be seeing them at least once a month for the next 9 months and then through your labor and delivery.
Make sure you go through
You now have the decision to go with a midwife or medical doctor practice and the choice is up to you. Read more here on helping to make the decision between the two. Just know that you can always switch practices if you make that decision later on.
5. Schedule an appointment

Call your doctor or midwife to inform them that you got a positive pregnancy test and make an appointment to confirm the pregnancy. They will set you up for an ultrasound to check that everything is developing normally.
Every doctor varies around when they will take you in for your pregnancy confirmation appointment. Some doctors will see you around 6 or 7 weeks, but some may have you wait until weeks 8-10.
If you’ve just missed your period very recently, you are probably only about 4 or 5 weeks pregnant. Those few weeks of waiting to see the doctor can be tough, but just be confident that everything is progressing as it should.
Related Post: Financial Must-Dos Before Baby
6. Eat A Healthy Diet
Your first question may be what to do when you find out you are pregnant but, your next question should be – What should you eat when you find out you are pregnant?
Eating a healthy, well-balanced, and rounded meal will help you to provide your baby with just the right nutrients during pregnancy. You should aim to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and also balance carbohydrates, protein, and dairy foods. Eat limited amounts of foods that are high in fat or sugar. Eating for two is a myth, simply eat sensibly. Having a healthy breakfast can help to curb cravings.
You want to get your baby started off on the right foot in life. You can do so
- You can read more about Eating balanced meals and healthy foods here.
- If you are looking for some delicious meals – check out this prenatal cookbook on Amazon!
- If you’re too sick to eat, don’t worry! As long as you take your prenatal vitamin, your baby is getting all the nutrition that he needs.
Check here for a list of not recommended medicine and drugs to take while you’re pregnant. If you’re unsure if it is safe, don’t take it.
7. Do your research
There is so much to learn about pregnancy that many women don’t know until they’re actually experiencing it. You’ll want to do your own research to understand what is going on inside your body, how it is going to change, symptoms that you may experience in the coming months, and how your baby is growing and developing.
Your doctor or midwife will be there to answer questions and give you some insight into pregnancy, but in my experience, they don’t help as much as you would think. Thank God for Google and mom blogs like this one where you can learn all about individual experiences and what goes on during pregnancy.
Take a look at all my posts about Pregnancy to get a head start on your research, but Google will also be your best friend!
Related Post: 8 Clear Signs and Symptoms of Early Pregnancy: What You May Experience in the First Trimester
8. Create a list of questions
Even though you will find a ton of information on the internet, it’s also wise to have a list of questions prepared to ask your doctor. The first prenatal appointments you will probably have a ton of questions, and that is ok. The doctors and midwives are there to answer them all and help to put your mind at ease.
9. Keep your secret safe
It’s not wise to start telling everyone the good news right after you got a positive pregnancy test. There are still chances that the pregnancy could not progress further or that it was a chemical pregnancy (miscarried right after conception, but still producing the pregnancy hormone).
You want to be sure that everything is going well before you alert the media!
Although this is completely your decision, you may want to wait until at least after the 1st ultrasound to start telling family and friends. This gives enough time for you to be confident that it is a healthy and viable pregnancy.
However, when you are ready to finally announce the news to your parents and the rest of the world, check out all of my fun announcement ideas here!
10. Stay Fit With Exercise
When you are wondering what to do when you find out you are pregnant- exercise may not be the first thing on your mind. However, it’s good to exercise in pregnancy as long as you are doing it safely! If you exercised prior to becoming pregnant it is fine to continue with your normal exercise for as long as you feel comfortable.
If you are just starting to exercise be sure to take it slow and build it up as you go. Stick to lower impact options such as these.
11. Change Harmful Lifestyle Habits
Thinking about what to do when you find out you are pregnant should always include changing any harmful lifestyle habits. Some things you may want to start quitting or avoiding include:
When you find out you are pregnant and you are a smoker, it is time to stop if at all possible. Smoking can increase the risk of several pregnancy complications, cause stillbirth, premature birth, lower birth weight and even SIDS.
Now is a good time to cut out drinking, or at least lower your frequency. There is a lot of contreversy about the amount of alcohol that is safe during pregnancy- so if you are able to cut it out completely, that would be best. Heavy drinking during pregnancy can cause a condition known as fetal alcohol syndrome.
Do you drink a lot of caffeine? If you have found out you are pregnant you should cut down on the amount of caffeine you drink. 200 milligrams (or 2 cups of coffee) is about all you should be drinking.
Drinking high levels of caffeine has been linked to low birth weight and sometimes miscarriage.
12. Sign up for updates
Signing up for pregnancy updates can help you feel more productive, and less like you are just sitting around waiting for that first prenatal visit. These updates can also help you feel more prepared.
Some of the more popular pregnancy apps are:
13. Handle your morning sickness
Many women will experience morning sickness at some point during pregnancy. Knowing this, it is important to come up with a plan on how you will manage this sickness. Although there is no “one size fits all” or “magic pill” to take when trying to relieve morning sickness there are still several things to keep on hand that you can try. If you would like a complete list – check out this post. And if you are looking for a tried and true (delicious) method try the Preggie Pops!
14. Document everything
Even if you don’t think so now, you will want to remember the little parts of this pregnancy. When you find out you are pregnant it can be helpful to purchase a pregnancy journal. You can find several on Amazon!
Some of the best journals ask questions each week or month, and they have a lot of space for writing!
15. Use lots of lotion
Take my advice and start using lotion NOW. Use it everywhere, and I mean everywhere. Use it on your chest, your thighs, your butt, and of course – your stomach. While you may still end up with a few stretchmarks it will definitely help them not to be as bad as they could.
16. Get excited!
This is such an amazing time in a woman’s life. Enjoy this time.
Although you may feel sick, tired, and bloated, you are growing life inside you! I loved being pregnant and I wish I could be all the time!
Don’t take these moments for granted and make sure you take advantage of the free time you have now. Once your baby comes, there will be a lot less of that!

Marissa is a Pediatric Occupational Therapist turned stay-at-home mom who loves sharing her tips, tricks, and ideas for navigating motherhood. Her days are filled starting tickle wars and dance parties with three energetic toddlers and wondering how long she can leave the house a mess until her husband notices. When she doesn’t have her hands full of children, she enjoys a glass (or 3) of wine, reality tv, and country music. In addition to blogging about all things motherhood, she sells printables on Etsy and has another website, teachinglittles.com, for kid’s activity ideas.