As your pregnancy progresses, you will start to experience contractions. While some women know exactly when they are going into labor, others may not be so sure. A contraction timer can help you track when your contractions are occurring and how often they are happening.
This information can help you determine whether or not you are in labor and need to go to the hospital. Contractions can also be a good indicator if you are in active labor.
Remember that every woman’s experience is different, so don’t worry if your contractions don’t follow the guidelines below!

What are pregnancy contractions?
Pregnancy contractions are the periodic tightening and relaxing of the uterine muscles, which help to push the baby down the birth canal. They typically begin during the third trimester, but some women may start to experience them earlier.
False labor, or Braxton-Hicks contractions, can occur any time after the 20th week of pregnancy and may feel like real labor surges at first. However, they are usually shorter, less intense, and do not occur at regular intervals like true labor contractions.
As childbirth nears, your surges become more frequent, longer, and more intense. This is when most moms need to head to the hospital for delivery.
Although contractions can be painful, they are an ordinary and necessary part of the birthing process. Keeping track of contraction patterns can help your doctor determine when labor is genuinely underway and when it’s time to deliver the baby.
As labor begins, your body will start to experience labor pains.

Braxton Hicks Contractions
Symptoms of Braxton Hicks may vary from person to person. Some women may feel a tightening in their abdomen, while others may feel pain in their lower back or thighs.
The intensity of the contraction can also vary, with some people barely feeling them and others finding them quite uncomfortable. The length of the contraction can also vary from a few seconds to a minute or more.
However, Braxton Hicks contractions are generally not as strong as labor contractions and do not last as long. Many women who have never experienced them before (especially if they are having their first baby) may be unsure of what they are feeling.
A surge tracker can be helpful in determining whether or not you are experiencing Braxton Hick’s surges. However, if you are ever in doubt, it is always best to consult with your doctor.
Labor Contractions
These kinds of contractions are the periodic tightening and relaxing of the uterine muscle, which helps to expel the baby from the womb. Contractions typically occur at regular intervals and become more frequent and intense.
Regular labor contractions usually start sometime after the 37th week of pregnancy and continue until the baby is born.
In stage one, which can last several hours or days, contractions gradually grow more robust and more frequently as the baby’s head moves down into the pelvis. In stage two, which begins when the baby’s head is completely engaged in the pelvis, contractions tend to be more intense as they work to push the baby through the birth canal.
The delivery usually occurs within a few hours after phase two begins. The placenta is delivered in phase three, which begins after the baby is born.
After delivery, most women will have about six to eight more contractions as the uterus contracts to stop bleeding and return to its normal size.
It is important to note that not all women experience labor contractions similarly. Some women may have irregular or infrequent contractions for days or weeks before labor begins, while others may only have a few hours of prodromal labor before phase one starts.
Additionally, some women may progress quickly while others may experience prolonged or stalled labor. If you are concerned about your progress or if you think you may be in preterm labor, it is essential to contact your healthcare provider or go to the hospital immediately.
How can you tell when contractions start and stop?
While each pregnancy is different, some general signs can indicate when contractions start and stop.
One common sign is a change in vaginal discharge. During pregnancy, the vagina produces more mucus, which helps to protect the baby. When surges start, this mucus may become thinner and more watery.
Another sign is a change in bowel movements. Some women notice that they have looser stools or more frequent bowel movements in the days leading up to labor.
Finally, surges are often accompanied by back pain or abdominal cramping. These pains may come and go at first, but they usually become more regular and intense as labor progresses. Once the baby is born, the contractions stop.
How do contraction timers work, and what are the benefits of using one during labor?
Contraction timers are devices that are used to measure the length and frequency of contractions during labor. They usually come in the form of a stopwatch or app and can be started and stopped manually or automatically.
There are many benefits to using a surge timer during labor. For one, it can help you to track how well your surges are progressing and ensure that they are regular.
Additionally, it can help you to gauge how much time you have between contractions, which can help determine when to rest or when to seek medical attention.
Finally, contraction timers can also be used as a form of distraction during labor. By focusing on starting and stopping the timer, you can take your mind off surges’ pain and discomfort.
What are the best contraction timers for pregnant women?
I have personally used the Contraction Timer & Counter App by TL and found it to have an easy-to-use interface and great features, such as the ability to time contractions and see detailed information about each contraction, including its duration and frequency.

This app features Artificial Intelligence Symptom Tracker that will tell you exactly when to prepare to go to the hospital. It follows the basic contraction pattern with the help of your phone.
Contraction Counter TL allows you to share your history data with your doctor, partner, or the entire family.
What differentiates this Contraction Counter App from the others is that they have included relaxation music and hypnobirthing tracks inside the app that help pregnant women feel more comfortable timing contractions.
Download the Apps for Free from App Store or Android Google Play:
Many other great contraction timer apps are available, so be sure to explore your options and find one that works best for you.
How do you use the contraction timer apps, and what should you expect during labor?
Using a pregnancy contraction timer app is easy. All you have to do is launch the app, start the timer, and wait for the next surge.

As the contraction begins, the app will track the duration and frequency of your contractions and provide you with detailed information about each one. This can help track your pregnancy progress and determine when to seek medical attention.
You can use a contraction counter at the end of the second trimester.
What are some tips for staying relaxed during labor, despite feeling contractions?
Despite the pain of contractions, staying relaxed during labor is important to help the birthing process go smoothly. Here are some tips for staying calm during labor:
- First, remember to breathe. Focusing on your breath can help you take your mind off the pain and focus on something else. In addition, deep breathing helps to relax your muscles and can even help to speed up the labor process.
- Next, try to find a comfortable position. This may be difficult as your body changes during labor, but finding a comfortable position can help ease the pain of contractions.
- Another way to stay relaxed is to use visualization techniques. For example, you may want to imagine yourself in a peaceful place or picture your baby being born healthy and happy.
- Finally, don’t be afraid to ask for help from your partner or support team. Having someone there to rub your back or give you words of encouragement can make all the difference.
You can also use a hypnobirthing app with audio recordings and meditation to help you relax during pregnancy and birth.

Are any risks associated with using a contraction tracker & counter during labor?
While there are many potential benefits to using a surge tracker & counter during labor, there are also some risks associated with this practice.
One of the main risks is that the contractions may not be accurately tracked or counted. This could lead to incorrect information being given to the medical team, potentially impacting the care that the mother and baby receive.
Additionally, if the mother experiences a sudden change in her contraction pattern, it may be difficult for the tracker to reflect this change accurately.
The Takeaways
Contraction timer apps are a great way to keep track of your contractions as you approach labor. They offer a variety of features that can help track your progress and determine when to seek medical attention.
In addition to contraction timer apps, many other great options are available, so be sure to explore your options and find one that works best for you. Labor can be a long and challenging process, but relaxation techniques and visualization can help make it more manageable.
Finally, don’t be afraid to ask for help from your partner or support team. Having someone there to encourage you can make all the difference.
Marissa is a Pediatric Occupational Therapist turned stay-at-home mom who loves sharing her tips, tricks, and ideas for navigating motherhood. Her days are filled starting tickle wars and dance parties with three energetic toddlers and wondering how long she can leave the house a mess until her husband notices. When she doesn’t have her hands full of children, she enjoys a glass (or 3) of wine, reality tv, and country music. In addition to blogging about all things motherhood, she sells printables on Etsy and has another website,, for kid’s activity ideas.