Watching someone you love grieve the loss of a baby due to a miscarriage, stillbirth, infant loss, or even the loss of an older child can be agonizing. You may be unsure how to respond, what to do, or how to help. You may wonder if giving gifts for someone who lost a baby or buying a present for someone who had a miscarriage is the appropriate action to take.
While gifts could never in a million years take the pain of losing a baby away, they do show that you care and that the parents are not alone. In our culture, having a miscarriage often feels like something you go through along because it’s a taboo topic.
But you aren’t alone!
More women than not will experience a miscarriage, and the more we talk about it together, the more we can help each other heal. So, whether you want to make a miscarriage care package or simply send over a few meals, feeling like other moms are meeting you where you are is something to cherish.
Following is a compilation of gifts for someone who has had a miscarriage and some tips on buying a present for someone who lost a baby.
Related: 52 Miscarriage Sympathy Quotes When Grieving Your Pregnancy Loss
Should I Send Miscarriage Gifts for Mom?
When trying to decide on gifts for someone who lost a baby, you may be wondering if a gift is appropriate. Will it send the wrong message or be seen as offensive in some way?
While I can’t guarantee the response of your loved one in such a heartbreaking time, I can say that a gift given out of love is never a bad thing.
Like I said before, a gift can never take away the unbelievable pain that your loved one is experiencing, but it can be a great way to let them know that you are there, that you care, and that their grief is understood.
Related: Feelings and Coping After Early Miscarriage or Chemical Pregnancy
20 Gifts for Someone Who Lost a Baby
The following items would make great gifts for a loved one who lost a baby through miscarriage, still birth, or any other loss.
1. Food or Meals
When someone is going through a hard time such as the loss of a baby, the last thing they have on their mind is taking care of themselves. It is still important that they eat, but they may not have it in them to prepare a meal.
A meal train is a great way to support your loved ones, and also to have others to support them as well. After a loss, many people are overwhelmed with gifts of food, but the support does eventually dwindle. Setting up a meal train is a great way to ensure your loved one is cared for weeks or even months down the road.
2. Subscription to a Meal Plan
Another idea is to consider getting your friend a subscription to a meal plan. Cooking is therapeutic to some people, and using meal delivery plans like Hello Fresh ship ingredients and recipes to your home that you will enjoy cooking.
The prices are great for delivery, and everything is always top quality!
3. Molly Bear

Molly Bears are a unique gift for someone who lost a baby. These weighted teddy bears are made to be the EXACT weight that the baby was at the time of the loss. They also include other accessories to commemorate their little loved one.
4. House Cleaning
If you happen to know a local housekeeper, this is a great gift for someone who lost a baby. Chores and household things still need to be taken care of, but your loved one is not in the state of mind to care for these things.
Gifting a house cleaning can help take some of the stress off their shoulders.
5. Keepsake Box

A customized keepsake box can help parents remember their lost little one with all the beautiful treasures they want to keep tucked away and close to their heart.
If your loved one already bought clothing or items for their baby, they may want to keep those memories in a safe place where they can always keep them close. You can grab this box on Etsy.
6. Sentimental Candle

This beautiful candle with its sweet poem would be the perfect gift for someone who lost a baby. The warm glow of the candle flame flickering and the sweet words will remind them of their baby. It is also a beautiful show of the love you have for them.
7. A Book About Loss
Sometimes, a well-written book about loss could make an excellent miscarriage gift for mom. The Art of Losing: Poems of Grief and Healing is an excellent option and moms who lose a baby can look over these poems when they feel sad.
Another book to consider is I Had a Miscarriage by Jessica Zucker, a psychologist who recounts her miscarriage at 16 weeks. It’s more than a memoir because it has pages of healing and understanding for someone who lost a baby.
8. Miscarriage Support Journal

Another one of the best gifts for mom who miscarried is a support journal. Mourning Retreat is a journal made by a mom to help guide her as she went through recurrent losses.
There are over 100 pages of healing that guides moms through pregnancy loss, their emotions, and their grief. It’s not a typical journal with only prompts since it also has action exercises and other resources mothers need.
9. The Gift of Cozy
When I had a loss, I want to stay at home and relax – especially alone. Sometimes, space is the best gift of all, and you can put together a miscarriage care package with cozy, comfy items for her to enjoy
Grab this soft waffle textured fleece blanket for her to use while laying on the couch. She may love these soft plush cross band slippers, or a good soft robe is just as nice as having a blanket.
These Barefoot Dream Socks belong in all miscarriage care packages; they’re incredibly soft. I would include some lavender scented body butter to help her body relax during this time. Another idea is a bottle of petal-infused mineral bath salts so she can soak in the tub.
10. Thinking of You Spa Package

When you put together a miscarriage care package, a spa kit or a kit with spa items is always a good idea. This packaged set comes with a candle and bath scrub in a variety of awesome scents.
11. Footprint Necklace

This gift for someone who lost a baby is sweet and sentimental. When someone has a miscarriage, if the baby was far enough along, the healthcare providers may offer the parents to take footprints of their child.
If you can get those from the parents, you can have the child’s footprint, fingerprint, or handprint printed on a necklace for a thoughtful gift they are sure to treasure forever.
12. Miscarriage Birthstone Memorial Necklace

Here’s another awesome miscarriage gift for mom – a birthstone necklace. Some days, you may want to wear a discreet necklace, and this Etsy seller has plenty of options to help you memorialize a loss in whatever way you want.
13. Hummingbird Memorial Bell Chime

This hummingbird memorial wind chime is a great gift for moms who miscarried. They can hang the bell wind chime outside, and when they hear the chime, it will remind them of their loss and their love. It’s a lasting gift that your friend will treasure.
14. Hand Drawn Family Portrait

This art is an amazing gift for someone who lost a baby. It is a great gift for miscarriages as sometimes it may be the only photo the family has with their baby. You can have this artwork customized to the family to reflect the tiny angel lost, but never forgotten.
15. Stacking Ring

This simple and dainty ring can be a great gift for someone who lost a baby. Engraved with a date, it allows them to keep the reminder of their little one close to their heart.
16. A Quilt Made from Baby Clothes

If the loss was one of an infant, still born, or older child and you know the family well enough, getting some of the clothing and having it made into a quilt is a heartwarming idea. You can have someone you know to complete this or consider hiring someone on Etsy.
17. Flowers

Flowers are always a sweet gesture to show someone that you’re thinking of them. While it’s not my favorite gift because they don’t last very long, it still shows your compassion for the tough time that they are having.
18. Name in the Sand Portrait

Seashore of remembrance will create a personalized artwork in the sand in memory of your loved ones loss. This will be a perfect gift for someone who lost a baby or older child.
19. Sculpture Cast in Heart

This sculpture cast in a resin heart is the perfect gift for miscarriages. The tiny sculpture is cast in the same size that the baby was when their tiny wings were gained.
20. Spa Box

Because the parents-t-be are going through a stressful time right now, let your loved one know they are loved with this beautiful and thoughtful spa box. Create a box with some therapeutic essentials or purchase one already made from Etsy.
21. Subscription To A Brownie Box
Another great idea is to offer a postal brownie subscription box to someone who suffered the loss. Desserts are a symbol of joy and cheer to those who feel depressed. And when it is about having a mouth-melting piece of brownie, anyone can bring back their smile to live the moment again. Plus, these subscription boxes are budget-friendly and come in a variety of customized options.
What to Say or Not to Say to a Women Who Had a Miscarriage
Helping a friend or family member through the loss of a baby can be so hard. Here are some important things to remember when trying to be mindful of their feelings and how your words can be perceived.
Things you SHOULD say:
When deciding what to say to your loved one who is grieving the loss of a baby, the list is actually quite short. There is NOTHING you can say that will take the pain away, but there are things that you may say that will hurt them more.
Being mindful of your words when you are comforting your loved one can mean a lot. Here is a list of things to say, that are mindful and appreciated:
- I’m sorry.
- I love you.
- I’m here for you.
- This is not your fault.
Never Say:
As important as it is to know what to say, it is even MORE important to know what NOT to say to your loved ones. You can very easily unintentionally make their grief even worse by saying the wrong thing.
Even if your heart is in the right place saying things such as below, can leave a lasting mark on your loved ones heart.
Refrain from the phrase- “At least…”
If you are about to start a phrase with “at least…” just stop. Whatever you are about to say is irrelevant and not helpful. These words seem to imply you believe there is a silver lining to your loved ones lost.
While silver linings may be good, it is not something that will bring comfort to your grieving loved one.
Absolutely refrain from using the following statements:
- At least you CAN get pregnant.
- At least you weren’t farther along.
- At least you are young, you still have time.
- At least it happened when things are slow at work.
- At least you already have children.
- At least it wasn’t REALLY a baby.
Just rememeber if your statement starts with “at least…”. It’s a no. Just no. Don’t say it.
Never say “You can try again”
If you are trying to comfort your loved one by saying they can try again, it likely will not be perceived well. Trying again is just a loaded question, and shouldn’t be brought up by you… ever.
Stay away from: “I’m sure…”
Saying “I’m sure…” isn’t any better than “at least…”. Just don’t say it.
Losing a baby is a earth shattering reminder that no one is “sure” of anything. Saying you are “sure” is just a statement that you cannot back up, and while you are trying to be helpful- it’s not.
- You are NOT “sure” things will be different if they try again.
- You are NOT “sure” the baby was unhealthy, and this is why it happened.
- You CAN’T be “sure” there was a good reason for the loss.
Saying you are “sure” may make you feel better but it is a useless, empty statement to those you love.
Don’t say, “This is common”
Sure. Miscarriage IS common, and statistic say that maybe even YOU have experienced one. This may help “some” women to cope, but not most. Saying this is “common” seems to minimize the hurt that your loved one is feeling.
Don’t project YOUR beliefs
Even if you know your loved one shares similar beliefs to you, it’s important to not project your beliefs at this time. Your loved one is experiencing severe grief and may not be in the state of mind to hear these types of statements.
Never Say:
- Everything happens for a reason.
- This was a part of God’s plan.
- This baby wasn’t in God’s plan.
- God wanted the baby more.
- The baby was too beautiful for earth.
- Just pray
Be careful not to place blame
Here are some facts to keep you up to date. The miscarriage did not happen because:
- The mother did something wrong
- Mom had a beer
- Mom drank coffee
- Mom worked out at the gym
It is so important that mom knows this is NOT her fault. Nothing she did could have caused this. Miscarriages happen for so many reasons, many we don’t even know of.
Even if you would never say those things to the mom, make sure you’re not saying that behind her back either. It may get back to her and there is really nothing that mom could have done differently.
When your loved ones are experiencing the trauma of grief, nothing you say can make anything better. The things you say are not necessarily what they always hear. Choose your words carefully and refrain from the statements above.
Choose one of the gifts for miscarriages or infant loss that are listed to let them know you care.

Marissa is a Pediatric Occupational Therapist turned stay-at-home mom who loves sharing her tips, tricks, and ideas for navigating motherhood. Her days are filled starting tickle wars and dance parties with three energetic toddlers and wondering how long she can leave the house a mess until her husband notices. When she doesn’t have her hands full of children, she enjoys a glass (or 3) of wine, reality tv, and country music. In addition to blogging about all things motherhood, she sells printables on Etsy and has another website,, for kid’s activity ideas.