Best Fertility Apps When Trying to Get Pregnant and Why You Need One

Keeping track of your fertility is the biggest key factor in getting pregnant. Now with the advances in technology, there are plenty of free fertility apps to guide you step-by-step in doing that.

Conceiving a baby is not just luck, but knowledge and preparation should go into it as well. Use these apps to track your ovulation, clueing you into your most fertile period.

When trying to get pregnant, it’s important to know when you ovulate in order to time intercourse for the best chances at getting pregnant.

There is only a short window of time that, if you have sex, you may actually get pregnant. This span can typically be up to 6 days per month.

It includes the day of ovulation, 1 day after, and about 3-4 days before. Figuring out your day of ovulation can help you to determine the whole period of time that you could potentially get pregnant.

A fertility app takes into account the average woman’s menstrual cycle in helping you determine your ovulation, but every woman is different. Along with these apps, you can use other methods of tracking your fertility to confirm your particular cycle and help you get pregnant.

Best Free Fertility Apps

I’ve tried all of these apps and they work similarly, but some are more user-friendly than others. You really only need one, but I suggest starting with two to compare and make sure they’re both consistent.

1. Ovia Fertility

Keeping track of your fertility is the biggest key factor in getting pregnant. Now there are plenty of free fertility apps to guide you step-by-step.

I’ve been using this app since before I had my first baby and it has always been very accurate.

After you input your data and information, you’ll get accurate fertility window predictions with a ‘score’ of how fertile you will be on each day. This helps you always know when the best days are to conceive.

Ovia uses algorithms based on fertility research to track your cycle and predict your exact ovulation and fertile window.

It’s a place to record everything that your body is experiencing through each cycle as well as other fertility data that you’ve collect by other means, such as basal temperature, cervical fluid, and ovulation test kits.

You can document your moods, cramps, emotions, spotting, etc. All of these factors can help to determine your fertile window.

If you have an irregular cycle, the Ovia app is most useful since your fertile window can change each month. You can even share the app with your partner so he’s clued in on your fertility as well which can be extremely helpful to make getting pregnant less stressful.

In my opinion, this app has the most features and uses out of all of them.

2. Period Tracker

Keeping track of your fertility is the biggest key factor in getting pregnant. Now there are plenty of free fertility apps to guide you step-by-step.

The Period Tracker app works similarly to those listed above by tracking the data that you submit, it will give you your optimal fertile window. This includes, most importantly, your highest chance days of conceiving.

It offers a platform where you can record your symptoms, moods, and physical changes month-by-month and uses this data to predict when you should have sex to conceive.

With simple images to click and unclick, it’s super easy to track things like symptoms and moods, as well as other health factors like weight, water intake, and diet.

3. Clue Period Tracker

Keeping track of your fertility is the biggest key factor in getting pregnant. Now there are plenty of free fertility apps to guide you step-by-step.

Clue is a fertility app tracker that gives you period, PMS, and fertile window predictions based on the most up-to-date science. The calendar gets more and more accurate as you keep recording information.

4. Glow

Keeping track of your fertility is the biggest key factor in getting pregnant. Now there are plenty of free fertility apps to guide you step-by-step.

The Glow app gives an in-depth analysis through personalized information with a cycle chart, ovulation test analyzer, and pattern detection feature. Similarly to the other apps, record your data from symptoms and moods to cervical fluid and sexual intercourse, and the app will develop a personalized fertility window for you.

They also have a library of articles on anything from egg freezing, charting your fertility to overall menstrual health that you can use to provide knowledge adn research through your journey.

These fertility apps can be a huge help in tracking ovulation to get pregnant, but if you are just using this method to record your period every month, you may not receive good results. This way, the app will only take into account the average woman’s menstrual cycle.

As you know, not every woman is created equal and may not ovulate at exactly day 14 like some apps predict. Some may ovulate on day 4 or day 25. That’s why this method can be the least accurate.

However, if you use several didn’t methods of tracking your ovulation, this is an extremely helpful resource to keep all that information in one place. Sending you all the baby dust!

Keeping track of your fertility is the biggest key factor in getting pregnant. Now there are plenty of free fertility apps to guide you step-by-step.
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