If you’ve made it past finally choosing a first name for your baby girl, you’re probably trying to make it complete with a middle name, as well. You want your child’s whole name to flow well together so picking both names can be a challenge.
The name Olivia is derived from the Latin word “oliva,” which means “olive tree.” The olive tree is a symbol of peace, fertility, and victory and is mentioned several times in the Bible.
When choosing a middle name for Olivia, there are many things to consider. Depending what is most important to you, there can be a lot of variables.
Just know that you may not be so fond of a name at first, but once you start associating it with your baby, you will fall in love with it!
How Do You Choose a Middle Name for Olivia?
A middle name can provide another meaningful part of a person’s name or it can just be used to make the whole name sound and flow better. There’s no right or wrong way to add a middle name for your baby Olivia.
Choosing the perfect name for your baby is no easy feat. It takes a lot of thought, consideration, and discussions between you and your partner.
However, choosing the perfect middle name can be just as important as choosing the first name because it can provide a great opportunity for parents to pay homage to family members, honor their culture, or give their child a unique name.
So, where do you even begin with choosing a middle name? Here are some tips to help you get started.
1. Pay Tribute to Your Family’s Heritage
One way to choose a middle name for your baby is by considering your family’s heritage. You might already have a first name picked out, but incorporating a middle name that reflects your cultural background is a great way to pass down traditions and honor your ancestors.
You can research traditional names from your culture or even consider using a name from a family member who you admire and respect.
2. Consider the Rhythm of the Name
Another element to think about when choosing a middle name is the rhythm of the name. Try saying the first and middle name together and see how it sounds. Does it feel too long or too short?
Is there a flow to the names when said together? It’s important to choose a middle name that compliments the first name and flows well together.
The amount of syllables don’t really matter when choosing a middle name, as long as it sounds good together. Most people think that with a longer syllable first name (like Olivia), you need a one syllable middle name, and with a one syllable first name, you need a longer middle name.
That is definitely not the case because lots of different middle names can sound good with a 3 syllable first name like Olivia.
Olivia is a long, 4 syllable first name. It sounds nice as Olivia Rose, Olivia Michelle, and Olivia Victoria. Those are 1, 2, and 3 syllable middle names that all sound beautiful together.
It’s just a personal preference for how long you want your child’s name to be.
3. Opt for a Unique but Meaningful Name
Choosing a unique middle name for your baby is a fun opportunity to get creative but also meaningful. You can choose a name that holds significance to your family or represents something important to you.
For example, if you and your partner love the outdoors, you might consider a name like River or Sky to represent your love of nature.
4. Think About Initials and Nicknames
When choosing a middle name, be mindful of the initials and possible nicknames that may come with it. Some middle names can accidentally spell out an unwanted acronym or have a nickname that might be cumbersome. It’s always a good idea to try to avoid any unwanted initials or nicknames that could potentially cause discomfort or embarrassment for your child.
5. Get Feedback From Family and Friends
Finally, don’t be afraid to ask for feedback from family and friends on potential middle name ideas. Sometimes, a fresh set of eyes and ears can provide invaluable insights and suggestions. Plus, it can be a fun bonding opportunity as you and your partner navigate this exciting time.
Questions to ask yourself when choosing a middle name
Here are some questions I asked myself when picking middle names for my children. You can rank them in order of priority for your family because not all of them will be as important as others.
- Do you want to use a family name or initial?
- Does it have a nice meaning to it?
- Does it have meaning to us or our family?
- Are there nicknames for this name that we want to use or avoid?
- Is it too popular?
- Is it too unique?
- Does the name sound well with the first and last name?
- Are there any negative associations you have with it?
- What will her initials be?
- What will that name sound like when they’re an adult or professional?
The biggest advice is to ignore what others think or have to say about names you are considering or choose. It’s such a personal decision for you and your family so don’t let any other outside influencers change your mind.
Once you have it narrowed down to 2-4 first and middle names, I suggest picking one name per week during your pregnancy, and referring to your baby as that name.
Every time you talk about “the baby,” call her by that name. When you refer to her nursery or her movements in your belly, call her by that name.
At the end of that week, change it to another name. Do this for several weeks with your top choices to see which name sticks and feels the most genuine to you. Once you start actually referring to your baby as this name, you will feel even more of a connection to her.
For a full list of first and middle name ideas put together for your daughter, read my posts here: 43 Feminine Girl First and Middle Names, Hippie Names for Your Boho Baby, and Modern and Popular Unisex Names for a Boy or Girl
P.S. Start Your Registry Now!
Now before you start picking names and designing the nursery, don’t forget to set up a baby registry! Get started early because you may hear about a lot of essential baby items sooner than you think.
At least then you’ll have a place to save them on a list so you can remember what you need later.
Popular Middle Names for Olivia
Here are some beautiful and feminine ideas for middle names for your baby girl:
1. Olivia Abigail
Meaning: my father’s joy
2. Olivia Addison
Meaning: son of Adam
3. Olivia Adeline
Meaning: noble or nobility
4. Olivia Alexis
Meaning: helper or defender
5. Olivia Allison
Meaning: noble or exalted one
6. Olivia Amelia
Meaning: hardworking
7. Olivia Alice
Meaning: noble, exalted
8. Olivia Ariel
Meaning: lion of God
9. Olivia Aubrey
Meaning: elf ruler
10. Olivia Autumn
Meaning: fall season
11. Olivia Avery
Meaning: wise
12. Olivia Beth
Meaning: God is my oath or Pledged to God
13. Olivia Bethany
Meaning: house of affliction or house of figs
14. Olivia Belle
Meaning: Fair, beautiful, and lovely one
15. Olivia Blair
Meaning: Dweller on the plain
16. Olivia Bree
Meaning: Noble, power
17. Olivia Brooke
Meaning: Small stream
18. Olivia Brooklyn
Meaning: combination of names Brooke and Lynn, or given in honor of Brooklyn, the New York City borough.
19. Olivia Brynn
Meaning: Hill or mount
20. Olivia Camryn
Meaning: crooked nose
21. Olivia Cassandra
Meaning: the one who shines and excels over men
22. Olivia Cecilia
Meaning: blind
23. Olivia Charlotte
Meaning: petite, or feminine
24. Olivia Chloe
Meaning: blooming or fertility
25. Olivia Claire
Meaning: clear, bright, or light colored
26. Olivia Cora
Meaning: girl, maiden, or daughter
27. Olivia Cordelia
Meaning: heart or daughter of the sea
28. Olivia Delilah
Meaning: delicate
29. Olivia Dove
Meaning: bird of peace
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30. Olivia Elise
Meaning: God’s Promise
31. Olivia Eloise
Meaning: famous warrior
32. Olivia Eleanor
Meaning: bright, shining one
33. Olivia Elizabeth
Meaning: consecrated to God or my God is bountiful
34. Olivia Emmanuelle
Meaning: God is with us
35. Olivia Emerson
Meaning: brave or powerful
36. Olivia Emily
Meaning: rival or persuasive
37. Olivia Emmaline
Meaning: Eager, laborious
38. Olivia Evangeline
Meaning: messenger of good news
39. Olivia Eve
Meaning: living
40. Olivia Evelyn
Meaning: wished for child
41. Olivia Faith
Meaning: trust or devotion
42. Olivia Felicity
Meaning: happiness
43. Olivia Gabrielle
Meaning: God is my strength
44. Olivia Genevieve
Meaning: woman of the race
45. Olivia Grace
Meaning: goodness and generosity
46. Olivia Gwen
Meaning: white, holy
47. Olivia Hannah
Meaning: favor or grace
48. Olivia Hope
Meaning: a positive expectation or virtue of hope
49. Olivia Jade
Meaning: precious stone
50. Olivia Jane
Meaning: God is gracious
51. Olivia Jocelyn
Meaning: happy
52. Olivia Joy
Meaning: great pleasure, happiness
53. Olivia Julie
Meaning: youthful, soft-haired, beautiful, or vivacious
54. Olivia Juliet
Meaning: youthful or Jove’s child
55. Olivia Juliana
Meaning: Youthful
56. Olivia Juniper
Meaning: young
57. Olivia Kate
Meaning: pure, clear
58. Olivia Katherine
Meaning: pure
59. Olivia Kay
Meaning: pure, clear
60. Olivia Kathryn
Meaning: pure
61. Olivia Kylie
Meaning: boomerang, graceful/beautiful, or princess
62. Olivia Lane
Meaning: a small roadway or path
63. Olivia Lauren
Meaning: wisdom or laurel plant
64. Olivia Lee
Meaning: Clearing or meadow
65. Olivia Lily
Meaning: Lily the flower
66. Olivia Lou
Meaning: renowned warrior
67. Olivia Lynn
Meaning: Waterfall
68. Olivia Mackenzie
Meaning: comely, child of the wise leader or born of fire
69. Olivia Madelyn
Meaning: high tower
70. Olivia Madison
Meaning: son of Matthew
71. Olivia Mae
Meaning: beams with sunshine
72. Olivia Maeve
Meaning: Latin – purple flower, Celtic – queen
73. Olivia Maia
Meaning: great or larger
74. Olivia May
Meaning: flower or month of May
75. Olivia Marie
Meaning: star of the sea
76. Olivia Michelle
Meaning: who resembles God
77. Olivia Natalie
Meaning: birth of the lord
78. Olivia Nicole
Meaning: people or victory
79. Olivia Nicolette
Meaning: people of victory
80. Olivia Ophelia
Meaning: aid or benefit
81. Olivia Paige
Meaning: Young servant or assistant
81. Olivia Paisley
Meaning: church or cemetery
82. Olivia Penelope
Meaning: weaver
83. Olivia Peyton
Meaning: fighting-man’s estate
84. Olivia Quinn
Meaning: descendant of Conn
85. Olivia Rae
Meaning: ewe
86. Olivia Riley
Meaning: wood clearing
87. Olivia Rebecca
Meaning: to bond or tie
88. Olivia Rosalie
Meaning: the flower of life
89. Olivia Rose
Meaning: flower
90. Olivia Savannah
Meaning: treeless plain
91. Olivia Scarlett
Meaning: bright red
92. Olivia Shae
Meaning: gift
93. Olivia Skylar
Meaning: scholar
94. Olivia Sloane
Meaning: raider
95. Olivia Sophia
96. Olivia Tate
Meaning: cheerful
97. Olivia Teagan
Meaning: attractive, beautiful, or perfect
98. Olivia Victoria
Meaning: victory
99. Olivia Violet
Meaning: purple
100. Olivia Willow
Meaning: willow tree
101. Olivia Wren
Meaning: small bird
I hope you liked some of these beautiful and feminine baby girl middle names for Olivia. Just know that the name you pick will be just right for her. It may feel weird at first to call your baby by their name, but soon it will feel so natural and fit in your family perfectly.
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Marissa is a Pediatric Occupational Therapist turned stay-at-home mom who loves sharing her tips, tricks, and ideas for navigating motherhood. Her days are filled starting tickle wars and dance parties with three energetic toddlers and wondering how long she can leave the house a mess until her husband notices. When she doesn’t have her hands full of children, she enjoys a glass (or 3) of wine, reality tv, and country music. In addition to blogging about all things motherhood, she sells printables on Etsy and has another website, teachinglittles.com, for kid’s activity ideas.