Ways to Go into Labor Overnight

Those last weeks of pregnancy feel plenty long so if you’re ready to meet your sweet baby, you may not even want to wait another night! Wouldn’t it be lovely if we could just naturally induce our own childbirth?

If you’re desperately searching for ways to go into labor overnight, I have some tips for you!

Now all of these techniques and strategies are not proven, nor are they all completely medically advised. However, I’ve got some real stories from real mamas who were ready to go, just like you!

They took it upon themselves to go into labor overnight and guess what? They did it!

So while you may ask your doctor, how to go into labor now or if eating spicy food will make you go into labor, he/she may laugh at you, but it doesn’t hurt to try!

Here are some tips and tricks on natural ways to induce labor for the expecting mom in her third trimester. Some that did and didn't work for me as well.

How to Go into Labor Overnight with These Techniques from Real Moms

Some of these techniques may give you contractions, but not send you into full labor, some may do nothing at all, but if you’re lucky, one of these strategies will get that baby out of you once and for all!

So if you’re ready to give your uterus an ultimatum and that baby has an eviction notice, here are some tried and true ways that can help you go into labor TONIGHT (but please check with your medical professional; I’m not one):


Long, brisk walks (gave me contractions, but didn’t send me into labor)–do I get an extra Girl Scout badge for having taken these walks in 105-degree summertime heat while staying safely hydrated? 

The, ahem, activity that got me pregnant in the first place (gave me contractions, but didn’t send me into labor…and please don’t tell my parents that I ever did that; I’m told that fantasies of immaculate conception work both ways)

Spicy food (gave me bad breath, but didn’t send me into labor; on the bright side, it didn’t give me any more of those unproductive contractions)

After those didn’t work, I tried more desperate measures. In hindsight, these were all really bad ideas:

  • The earthquake simulator at the local museum (the magnitude of 9 did nothing but send every observer of my “extreme pregnancy condition” into near cardiac arrest; I don’t recommend this tomfoolery, regardless)
  • Hand washing the floors (gave me contractions, but didn’t send me into labor…and yes, I consider manual labor at what felt like 400 months pregnant a desperate measure) 
  • Castor oil (okay, I didn’t try this one; I figured I’d end up vomiting the baby out if I tried a teaspoon of it)

Related Post: Curb Walking: Can It Help to Induce Labor?

STILL a no-go for me. What the what? Any combination of those “natural ways” to induce labor may have helped to some degree because I did manage to have “real” contractions. However,  they ended up stopping each time they started. I always went back to square one. 

Strangers stopped asking me when I was due and started asking me, “Ooooh, how many babies are you having?” Oh my. 

Here’s what ultimately did work as natural ways to induce labor:

  • Patience (yep, the last thing I wanted to hear when I was bigger than several small countries combined)
  • A visit to a chiropractor for a pelvic adjustment (I had to find a chiropractor who knew how to work with pregnant women – not just any chiropractor)
  • Stripping membranes (my OB/GYN did this; it doesn’t feel awesome and makes you kind of cramp-y, but it’s not terrible)

Finally, labor started. Hooray! It made up for lost time, though—my contractions started at two minutes apart.

Fortunately, baby settled down a little and gave me just enough time to get to the hospital (my preferred plan at the time). I continued to smile as my healthy and happy baby came into the world, safely inside the hospital. 

In that moment, it was as if all of life before the first time I held her—and all of that waiting—had been only a blink of time. Waiting? Patience? It was all for this. 

And so commenced my journey into gentle parenting

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